Son galgos ¿o son podencos?
El economista jefe del BCE rechaza la emisión de eurobonos y cree que la crisis no ha concluido en
A lo nuestro... CAPITULACIÓN (de una puñetera vez), y nos pilla a todos de puente.
Un saludo.
Lo puse en otro hilo, pero pasó muy desapercibido, mientras Merkel dice una cosa, el BCE hace otra:
ECB Buys A ?2 Billion In Sovereign Bonds Last Week | zero hedge
It is confirmed: last week's incursion by the ECB in buying any and all offered Irish and Portuguese bonds is now in the history books. As the ECB reports, "in the week from Monday 29 November to Friday 3 December were of a volume of EUR 1,965 million, the rounded settled amount - and the intended amount for absorption accordingly - increased to EUR 69 billion. The tras*actions made between Wednesday 1 December and Friday 3 December have, with few exceptions, not yet settled and hence are not reflected in this figure." In other words, the bulk of the peripheral bond buying is not even included, and we will share the final tally with readers next Sunday night. We fully expect the amount for the week ended December 13 to be another all time record. In the meantime, the chart below shows all of the recent purchases under the ECB's SMP (aka sterilized open market monetization) program. As an aside, the biggest amount monetized occurred in the first week of the program's launch when the ECB monetized €16.5 billion.
Sí, estrictamente no es ni eurobonos, ni monetizar, ni nada, pero es dar más aire a los PIGS para que sigan con "la austeridad" y sus medidas (me remito a las 'alabanzas' hacia el gobierno por parte de la UE, a saber que hijoputeces tienen preparadas los pájaros del PSOE para meternos manu militari ). Mientras tanto siguen los incentivos perversos.
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