"La atmósfera de Japón se calentó antes del terremoto" - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pablo Villa

28 Sep 2009
Esta vez, ha sido nada menos que el MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) a través de su revista Technology review quién ha publicado esta noticia:

Tradución parcial de la noticia:

Hoy, Dimitar Ouzounov en el Goddard Space Flight Centre de la NASA, en Maryland y unos pocos compañeros presentaron datos del gran terremoto que devastó Japón el dia 11 de Marzo. Sus resultados, aunque preeliminares, son esclarecedores. Dicen que el número total de electrones de la ionosfera se incremento dramáticamente sobre el epicentro, llegando a su máximo tres días antes que el terremoto ocurriera. A la vez, las observaciones por satélite mostraron un gran aumento en las emisiones infrarrojas sobre el epicentro:

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake* - Technology Review

"Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.


Geologists have long puzzled over anecdotal reports of strange atmospheric phenomena in the days before big earthquakes. But good data to back up these stories has been hard to come by.

In recent years, however, various teams have set up atmospheric monitoring stations in earthquake zones and a number of satellites are capable of sending back data about the state of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere during an earthquake.

Last year, we looked at some fascinating data from the DEMETER spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 Haiti earthquake in January 2010

Today, Dimitar Ouzounov at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland and a few buddies present the data from the Great Tohoku earthquake which devastated Japan on 11 March. Their results, although preliminary, are eye-opening.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.

These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the releases large amounts of radon.

The radioactivity from this gas ionises the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionisation triggers the large scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions. "Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say Ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content.

It certainly makes sense that the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere are coupled in a way that can be measured when one of them is perturbed. The question is to what extent the new evidence backs up this idea.

The Japan earthquake is the largest to have struck the island in modern times and will certainly turn out to be among the best studied. If good evidence of this relationship doesn't emerge from this data, other opportunities will be few and far between.
Última edición:
¿Apuntan directamente al HAARP? ¿O qué es lo que dicen?
jorobar hay que ser simple para ir en contra de los tuyos!!
Quizá hayan dado con una manera fiable de predecir terremotos
tradución parcial de la noticia:

Hoy, dimitar ouzounov en el goddard space flight centre de la nasa, en maryland y unos pocos compañeros presentaron datos del gran terremoto que devastó japón el dia 11 de marzo. Sus resultados, aunque preeliminares, son esclarecedores. Dicen que el número total de electrones de la ionosfera se incremento dramáticamente sobre el epicentro, llegando a su máximo tres días antes que el terremoto ocurriera. A la vez, las observaciones por satélite mostraron un gran aumento en las emisiones infrarrojas sobre el epicentro:

atmosphere above japan heated rapidly before m9 earthquake* - technology review

"atmosphere above japan heated rapidly before m9 earthquake
infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in japan, say scientists.


geologists have long puzzled over anecdotal reports of strange atmospheric phenomena in the days before big earthquakes. But good data to back up these stories has been hard to come by.

In recent years, however, various teams have set up atmospheric monitoring stations in earthquake zones and a number of satellites are capable of sending back data about the state of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere during an earthquake.

Last year, we looked at some fascinating data from the demeter spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 haiti earthquake in january 2010

today, dimitar ouzounov at the nasa goddard space flight centre in maryland and a few buddies present the data from the great tohoku earthquake which devastated japan on 11 march. Their results, although preliminary, are eye-opening.

They say that before the m9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.

These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the releases large amounts of radon.

The radioactivity from this gas ionises the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionisation triggers the large scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions. "our first results show that on march 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content.

It certainly makes sense that the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere are coupled in a way that can be measured when one of them is perturbed. The question is to what extent the new evidence backs up this idea.

The japan earthquake is the largest to have struck the island in modern times and will certainly turn out to be among the best studied. If good evidence of this relationship doesn't emerge from this data, other opportunities will be few and far between.

ESA es otra prueba de que fue harrp lo que causò el terremoto de japon
"These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the releases large amounts of radon.

The radioactivity from this gas ionises the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionisation triggers the large scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions. "our first results show that on march 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content."

Testimonios de fenómenos de ionización de la atmósfera antes y durante seísmos los hay hace siglos. En resumen, la causa a la que apuntan en el artículo es a la liberación de radón en la zona de acumulación de tensiones de la corteza terrestre. La radioactividad del radón ioniza el aire. Como efecto secundario, la ionización hace que el agua atmosférica se condense, liberando calor. La potencia de emisión del HAARP es de 3.6 Mw, menor que muchas emisoras de radio comerciales, ya no digamos radares militares. De paso, podeis meteros mejor con el programa Europeo similar, el EISCAT que es unas 250 veces más potente.
Lo único que demuestra esto es que Starviewer tiene razón ... wow ... Que las tormentas solares ionizan la atmósfera y eso puede causar terremotos .. o argo asín, soy incapaz de seguir los razonamientos de Starviewer team de un tirón .. no sigan por ese camino o nos comeremos un buen ownwed por parte de la magufería. No sé las razones que tiene el MIT pa soltar estas cosas, pero debería tener cuidado con ello ...
Si eso es cierto, por muchas tormentas solares que haya, los rayos no se concentran en un punto torciendo :D
Lo del HAARP me mosquea bastante, habra que investigarlo mas en serio...
Si eso es cierto, por muchas tormentas solares que haya, los rayos no se concentran en un punto torciendo :D
Lo del HAARP me mosquea bastante, habra que investigarlo mas en serio...

Eso pa los magufos no es un problema ... las tormentas solares nos mandan cantidad de energía ionizante, y ... ( modo magufo on) ... la Tierra que tiene chakras sagrados ... blalala ... tiende a concentrar esa energía en ciertos chakras, lo que provoca un desequilibrio en la conciencia global de Gaia ... bla..bla... la propia Gaia se encarga de corregir esos desequilibrios energéticos sacudiendo su espalda, disipando esa energía ... bla .. bla ... ( modo magufo off). No le den de comer a los troles ...

pretérito perfecto
yo he dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita
tú has dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita
él, ella, Ud. ha dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita
nosotros hemos dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita
vosotros habéis dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita
ellos, ellas, Uds. han dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita

Es que yo esto lo aprendí a palos, cada vez que me equivocaba, el maestro me daba una leche con un listón en la cabeza...:D
Lo único que demuestra esto es que Starviewer tiene razón ... wow ... Que las tormentas solares ionizan la atmósfera y eso puede causar terremotos .. o argo asín, soy incapaz de seguir los razonamientos de Starviewer team de un tirón .. no sigan por ese camino o nos comeremos un buen ownwed por parte de la magufería. No sé las razones que tiene el MIT pa soltar estas cosas, pero debería tener cuidado con ello ...

Para nada.

Sólo dicen que es posible que:

Cambios en la corteza terrestre -> cambios en la ionosfera

Lo cual es muy diferente a:

Cambios en la ionosfera -> cambios en la corteza terrestre.

Lo de toda la vida de "A implica B" no significa que "B implica A".