Primavera 2018: Guerra en Siria XXXVIII

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EE HH tiene dos opciones :

a) Abrazar el mundo multipolar
b) III Guerra Mundial

Todas las medidas que esta tomando EE HH son una represalia contra Rusia
por no aceptar el hegemonismo yanki .
Agosto de 2013 fue el Rubicon . Fue la gota que colmo el vaso
y fue cuando pilinguin dijo : BASTA . Mucha gente cree que tito Vladimiro es
debil , pero Rusia lo esta haciendo bastante bien
Esta evitando la III guerra mundial y esta obligando a EE HH a aceptar la realidad . Rusia tiene todo el tiempo del mundo .
EE HH no . Cada dia EE HH esta mas debil y Rusia mas fuerte
asi que tiene que forzar el partido . Lo que intriga al clapham es que EE HH
no esta siendo demasiado duro con Rusia . Las sanciones son
cosa de gallina . Estan nadando y guardando la ropa
Como si temieran que Rusia , en vez de rendirse , echara abajo el sistema
financiero . Una cosa esta clara . pilinguin esta disfrutando esto .
La " desconexion " de Rusia del sistema financiero - economico de
Occidente esta siendo BIEN acogida por los rusos .
Mientras la agresion anglo-yanki a Siria no suponga un peligro para los intereses de Rusia , no habra problema .
Rusia esta respondiendo , pero no esta maximizando el problema
Esta evaluando la situacion y adaptandose a ella ...
Por eso Rusia esta firmando acuerdos con medio mundo
Y esta vendiendo armas a todos , incluyendo Turquia . Quitarle cuota de mercado al lobby militar yanki es prioridad para pilinguin .
El clapham ignora cuanto podra durar el tira y afloja entre EE HH y Rusia pero cada dia que pase y veamos la luz del sol es un dia ganado ...
pilinguin no es para nada impulsivo, lo ha demostrado. Tiene el tiempo a favor, pero de que las ratas caen, caen. Y luego està China, :D
està el petroyuan y los bonos...
Los EEHH empiezan a estar bastante acorralados y con varios frentes.
Y luego està la desacreditaciòn mundial que va en aumento, donde no hay confianza no hay negocio.
Exacto .... dicen que gastan éso. Muy probablemente sea un 15 o un 20 % más.

Suponedor haciendo lo que mejor sabe, suponiendo.

Será el momento de meter a este augusto en el ignore?

Dudo que sepas inglés, pero lo pongo para los demás.

15 of the most expensive projects abandoned by the US military

The US military is unquestionably the world's strongest force with the world's largest defense budget.

But throughout the 2000s, the Pentagon spent $51.2 billion on 15 major programs "without any fielded systems to show for it," according to a new Center for Strategic and International Studies report.

Sí, es el momento de ignorarle. Allá va... Plof!
La verdadera BBC

Fabrication in BBC Panorama Saving Syria's Children: Robert Stuart, Media on Trial, 19 October 2017 - YouTube

Será el momento de meter a este augusto en el ignore

Sí, es el momento de ignorarle. Allá va... Plof!


Tranquilo, que a mí también se supone que me metió en Ignore.

Es una más de sus burdas tretas, en este caso para hacerse la importante y que parezca que te ha causado un enorme daño.

:XX: :XX:

Pero... Nuestra attention whore de Pelamangarrianes de Arriba es tan sumamente egocéntrica que no te puede meter en el Ignore, pues no se enteraría de lo que dicen de ella :XX: :XX:.


Última edición:
Vaya, ya vino el de los dogmas inamovibles e incuestinoables y las frases enlatadas.

Bravo, traes las lección muy bien aprendida. Pena que la realidad no concuerde con tus visiones.

Explica qué puede hacer el "poderío" gUSAno en Siria si no les valen ni sus misiles ni sus aviones? Van a invadir por tierra? Sin el dominio del cielo son un tigre de paja.

Epa, el de los dogmas eres tu, de ayer a hoy te la has pasado "demostrando" la total, absoluta e incuestionable superioridad estrategica y militar de Rusia


Cada cual puede cree lo que quiera, pero no es necesario mentir a los demas y mentirse a uno mismo para justificar lo que uno cree.

No hace falta estar del lado de EEUU o de la OTAN para saber que son la fuerza militar mas poderosa del mundo, eso te lo podria decir hasta un general ruso.
Última edición:
Se te ha pasado por alto el pequeño detalle de que Erdo no menciona qué objetivos son ni responsabiliza a Assad de los ataques.

Nada bien entre dos aguas... hasta que pilinguin suelte el perro a los gUSAnos en el norte debe mantener las apariencias de ser miembro de la OTAN.

Pero antes ya lo hizo.


Erdogan: There's No Doubt Assad Used Chemical Weapons

Turkish Prime Minister says there is no doubt that Assad has used chemical weapons
and that he'll discuss this with Obama.
Erdogan: There's No Doubt Assad Used Chemical Weapons - Israel National News

Si no lo hace ahora es porque todavia espera sacar mas concesiones de Rusia en Siria, pero cuando obtenga lo que quiere volvera a los brazos de la OTAN casi seguro.

En fin creo que queda claro que Erdogan no es un fanatico de Al Assad, y mientras le permitan ocupar Siria, pues seguro que moderara un poco sus comentarios y declaraciones, pero no creo que a larga Siria pueda contar con Erdogan para nada bueno.
Pero antes ya lo hizo.


Eso fue antes de que la OTAN intentase matarle y pilinguin le salvase el ojo ciego.

No se te ve muy informado.

---------- Post added 16-abr-2018 at 01:19 ----------

Epa, el de los dogmas eres tu, de ayer a hoy te la has pasado "demostrando" la total, absoluta e incuestionable superioridad estrategica y militar de Rusia

La tecnología de época soviética ha derrotado a los mejores misiles gusanos, británicos y franceses.

Ahora vete a dormir y llora.
Eso fue antes de que la OTAN intentase matarle y pilinguin le salvase el ojo ciego.

No se te ve muy informado.

Bueno, aqui tienes una del 2017


Dec 27 2017

El lider turco denuncio al presidente de Siria Bashar al Assad como un terrorista, malo en masa, sin lugar en el futuro de la posguerra siria.

Assad Must Go, Erdogan Says, as Syria War Winds Down - The New York Times

Erdogan endura el tomo y lo suaviza segun le conviene ha pactado con los rusos, pero no con el gobierno sirio. Nunca aceptara a Al Assad.

Cada cual puede cree lo que quiera, pero no es necesario mentir a los demas y mentirse a uno mismo para justificar lo que uno cree.

No hace falta estar del lado de EEUU o de la OTAN para saber que son la fuerza militar mas poderosa del mundo, eso te lo podria decir hasta un general ruso.

La mentira es su vida. Su vida es mentir. Si le despojas de la mentira, le matas. Nació, vive y morirá para mentir.

Ella es así. :XX: :XX:

Si se lo dice un general ruso, ella alegará que no es un general ruso, que es en realidad un reptiliano contratado por la CIA para hacerse pasar por general ruso, o que es general pero le regalaron los exámenes y no merece tal cargo, o que los generales ya no son lo que eran...

En fin, el Mundo se adapta a sus necesidades: según la discusión del momento así lo requiera :XX: :XX:.
Última edición:
Cerdogan tiene su agenda, tiene mucho que perder si aprieta pero tiene cogidos de las narices a rusos, usanos y uropeos.

Ahora dice lo que quieren oir en occidente, mañana en oriente. Palabras.

Turkey's response to US-led Syria strikes: Not enough but welcomed

The United States and its allies Britain and France launched a much-anticipated strike in Syria around 4 a.m. local time April 14. Despite the late hour, Ankara was wide awake. Senior government officials watched US President Donald Trump's remarks live (which were made the night of April 13 US time). While his statement was somewhat vague, from Ankara's perspective Trump was clear on two issues: Britain and France are allies, and Syria, Iran and Russia are foes.

Turkey’s Syria policy can hardly be called consistent except for one goal: overthrowing the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Officials in Ankara compete over bragging rights for who has greater disdain for the Assad regime. They were pleased to hear Trump call Assad "a monster" and make reference to a "very terrible regime."

Pro-government media outlets did not report that in his initial speech April 13, Trump named four Middle Eastern countries (Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia) as friends — Turkey was not among them. There was good reason for Trump’s omission, as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had posed April 4 in a three-way handshake in Ankara with Russian President Vladimir pilinguin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Immediately after the airstrikes, US Defense Department officials announced that the goal was to destroy Assad’s chemical weapons program. The United States clearly stated that these strikes were conducted neither to alter the course of current US policy nor to depose the Assad regime.

Upon hearing this, a senior bureaucrat in Ankara told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “We are not surprised but we are disappointed. Although this is a good step, it is too little, too late. There was some hope that Trump would be different than [former President Barack] Obama and take the bull by the horns. It seems like this is just an opportunity for the Trump administration to distract the American public's attention. Not much will change for us in northern Syria.”

The hashtag #SavasaHayir (No to War) was the first trending response to appear on Turkish social media in the early morning hours after the airstrikes. The first official statement came from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “We welcome this operation that has eased humanity’s conscience in the face of the attack in Douma, largely suspected to have been carried out by the [Syrian] regime.”

amowing this statement, other officials commented on the US-led strikes. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called it a “positive step,” yet added that “for permanent peace more is needed.” Then Yildirim complained about the West. “For the last seven years people have been dying. Do you remember your humanity only when chemical weapons are used?” he asked. He paid homage to Erdogan, saying, “Only one country works for peace in Syria; the name of that country is Turkey and the name of that leader is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”

Meanwhile, government spokesman and Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag rushed to tell the press that NATO’s Incirlik Air Base in Adana was not used in the airstrikes and that Turkey was informed in advance of the attacks.

Speaking at his party’s rally in Istanbul on April 14, Erdogan concurred with Bozdag and told the crowd of his sleepless night amowing the events in Syria. Erdogan applauded and welcomed the allied mission. “The Syrian regime received the message that its massacres would not be left unanswered,” Erdogan said, saying that he finds the decision appropriate, and that whoever is responsible for the death of innocent children should pay for this. Yet the Turkish president was critical that these kind of actions are limited to being used in response to chemical weapons exclusively. He said conventional weapons, which kill many more people than chemical weapons, need to be addressed as well.

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu appeared in front of cameras with a determined attitude and said unless Syria is rescued from this regime, chaos will return. Cavusoglu said that there should have been a strike much sooner against the regime, which he said has killed more than 1 million people, and that if Assad is kept in power he will keep on killing. Cavusoglu also emphasized that the most important country in these efforts is Turkey.

Given Turkey’s conspicuous support for the US-led strike on Syria, Al-Monitor asked Turkish officials and pundits about how this support would affect Turkish relations with Russia and Iran. They were all confident it would not have a negative impact on Turkish-Russian affairs. However, a senior official said, “We need Russian cooperation to keep the PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party] in northern Syria in check. We need to be on good terms with Russia.” In all public statements, Turkish officials diligently targeted Syria and the West exclusively, leaving Russia and Iran out of the picture.

A few hours later, Erdogan’s office announced that pilinguin and the Turkish president had a phone conversation and agreed to continue efforts for a political solution in Syria. Another bureaucrat told Al-Monitor, “It is more complicated with Iran. It is a Muslim country and it is difficult for us domestically to justify targeting Iran directly.”

The Turkish opposition said no to war and resorted to social media, by late afternoon generating the trending hashtag #SuriyeninYanindayiz (We Are With Syria) criticizing the Justice and Development Party (AKP) for supporting the Western military attacks on a Muslim country on a holy night. April 13 was the day marking the night of Miraj (Ascension), one of five holy nights in the life of Prophet Muhammad. Ozturk Yilmaz, a former consul general to Mosul who was held captive by the Islamic State for 101 days, used the hashtag as well. Yilmaz is now the deputy chairman of the main opposition Republican People's Party. He tweeted a video message asking Erdogan, who aspires to be the leader of all Jovenlandeses, how he could cheer on Muslim countries getting bombed?

A group that wanted to protest in front of the US Embassy in Ankara was stopped by police.

Since the airstrikes, several prominent AKP figures have refrained from commenting about the strikes on social media. Ersoy Dede, a columnist for the pro-AKP daily Star, asked, “Is this a [military] operation or a show to advertise [US] weapons?” Daily Sabah columnist Metih Altinok labeled the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s comments as a necessity of diplomatic lexicon and explained that he was not happy with the US-led strikes in Syria.

The gap between the AKP’s official rhetoric and the civilian pro-AKP voices was most visible in the public reactions to Bulent Yildirim’s comments. Yildirim is the chairman of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which was responsible for organizing the Mavi Marmara flotilla to the Gaza Strip in 2010. Yildirim was critical of the airstrikes because the number of missiles was not sufficient. His comment that these attacks did not satisfy his hopes generated an uproar on social media. Particularly left-leaning commentators ridiculed the Islamists' alliance with the West in bombing a Muslim nation.

The opposition criticized Turkish foreign policy as impossible to decode. Headlines from the leftist daily Cumhuriyet read “Imperialists bombed, AKP cheered.” However, to understand Turkish foreign policy, Ankara's disdain for the Assad family has to be taken into consideration, as that has been the only consistent point in Erdogan’s speeches since 2011. Knowing this well, pro-AKP figures are confident they can score some points for bashing Assad. On April 8, for example, the Washington correspondent for the English-language Daily Sabah, Ragip Soylu, tweeted to Trump’s newly appointed national security adviser John Bolton, “May God grant you enough Tomahawks to screw Assad and his backers.” Yet he conveniently did not name Russia or Iran in his tweet. And that omission, in a nutshell, succinctly summarizes Turkish policy on Syria.

Read more: Turkey's response to US-led Syria strikes: Not enough but welcomed
Ivan Sidorenko

23 minHace 23 minutos
#Syria #Qalamoun #Damascus :
Sources from Damascus now in the Damascus countryside:
positive negotiations for militants to exit alrahiba, alnasiriya, jiroud, alatana, and almansouriya towards the Syrian north

#Syria #Qalamoun #Damascus: Fuentes de Damasco ahora en la campiña de Damasco: negociaciones positivas para que los militantes salgan de alrahiba, alnasiriya, jiroud, alatana y almansouriya hacia el norte sirio

---------- Post added 15-abr-2018 at 21:10 ----------

Lucifuge Rofocale retwitteó
Eva J. Koulouriotis
14 abr.
Source confirmed to me that #USA and #Israel have placed a list of 40 #Iran-ian military positions and #Hezbollah militia in the Syrian territory that will be targeted from today and in the coming days.
#Syria #Trump #Russia

#BREAKING Fuente me confirmó que #USA y #Israel han puesto una lista de 40 #Iran-Ian posiciones militares y #Hezbollah milicias en el territorio sirio que serán objetivos a partir de hoy y en los próximos días.
#Syria #Trump #Russia


---------- Post added 15-abr-2018 at 21:24 ----------


52 sHace 53 segundos
Don't think Russia and Iran don't have an answer for the missile strike. Oil prices are about to go up. #Trump #oilprice
#Russia #Iran #Syria #SyriaStrikes #WallStreet #cnbc #America @realDonaldTrump #ecommerce @CNNPolitics #oilandgas #Assad

No creo que Rusia e Irán no tengan una respuesta para el ataque con misiles. Los precios del petróleo están a punto de subir. #Trump #oilprice #Russia #Iran #Syria #SyriaStrikes #WallStreet @cnbc #America #realDonaldTrump @ecommerce #CNNPolitics #oilandgas #Assad
Última edición:
Lucifuge Rofocale

7 minHace 7 minutos
#BREAKING #SAA and it's allies took control of Al Jin mountain in South Hama Countryside and Salim village in N Homs. .

#BREAKING #SAA y sus aliados tomaron el control de la montaña de al Jin en el campo del sur de Hama y la aldea de Salim en N Homs. .
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