La patata caliente de las hipotecas "subprime"

da miedo Yu Yongding (via Bloomberg):
``...If the U.S. government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic,'' Yu said in e-mailed answers to questions yesterday. ``If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system...''

Freddie, Fannie Failure Could Be World `Catastrophe,' Yu Says

By Kevin Hamlin

Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- A failure of U.S. mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could be a catastrophe for the global financial system, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China's central bank.

``If the U.S. government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic,'' Yu said in e-mailed answers to questions yesterday. ``If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system.''

Freddie and Fannie shares touched 20-year lows yesterday on speculation that a government bailout will leave the stocks worthless. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson won approval from the U.S. Congress last month to pump unlimited amounts of capital into the companies in an emergency.

China's $376 billion of long-term U.S. agency debt is mostly in Fannie and Freddie assets, according to James McCormack, head of Asian sovereign ratings at Fitch Ratings Ltd. in Hong Kong. The Chinese government probably holds the bulk of that amount, according to McCormack.

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China yesterday reported a $2.7 billion holding. Bank of China Ltd. may have $20 billion, according to CLSA Ltd., the Hong Kong-based investment banking arm of France's Credit Agricole SA. CLSA puts the exposure of the six biggest Chinese banks at $30 billion.

`Beyond Imagination'

``The seriousness of such failures could be beyond the stretch of people's imagination,'' said Yu, a professor at the Institute of World Economics & Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. He didn't explain why he held that view.

China's government hasn't commented on Fannie and Freddie.

Yu is ``influential'' among government officials and investors and has discussed economic issues with Premier Wen Jiabao this year, said Shen Minggao, a former Citigroup Inc. economist in Beijing, now an economist at business magazine Caijing.

Investor confidence in Fannie and Freddie has dwindled on speculation that government intervention is inevitable. Washington-based Fannie has fallen 88 percent this year, while Freddie of McLean, Virginia, has slumped 91 percent.

Paulson got the power to make purchases of the two companies' debt or equity in legislation enacted July 30 that was aimed at shoring up confidence in the businesses. He has said the Treasury doesn't expect to use that authority.

The two companies combined account for more than half of the $12 trillion U.S. mortgage market.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kevin Hamlin in Beijing on;
Last Updated: August 22, 2008 06:09 EDT
Corea pide prudencia a KDB ante la posible compra

13:50 LEHMAN BROS. HLDGS. Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
La máxima autoridad financiera de Corea del Sur, la Comisión de Servicios Financieros (FSC), advierte de que Korea Development Bank debería adoptar una posición "prudente" respecto a la potencial adquisición de algún banco extranjero, después de que la semana pasada el banco coreano hubiera reconocido su interés en el estadounidense Lehman Brothers, informa el diario Financial Times. El presidente de la FSC, Jun Kwang-woo, indica que "estaba al tanto" de que KDB estaba estudiando la posibilidad de comprar un banco global de inversión. "En principio, la adquisición de un banco global de inversión puede convertirse en una oportunidad de incrementar la capacidad del negocio coreano de banca de inversión. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo los riesgos son también grandes, por lo que KDB debería adoptar una posición prudente", dijo Jun.
Credit Suisse dice que puede perder 2.400 millones
16:37 AMER INTL GROUP Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
La aseguradora pierde más del 5% en Wall Street después de que Credit Suisse haya dicho en un informe que podría tener pérdidas de 2.410 millones de dólares en el tercer trimestre, relacionadas con la depreciación por posiciones en hipotecas de alto riesgo y coberturas (CDS). AIG pierde cerca del 70% de su valor en bolsa este años, la peor empresa del Dow Jones. Worldwide

Existing home sales have likely stabilized,'' Michelle Meyer, an economist at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in New York, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. ``In terms of demand, we're probably close to the bottom. In terms of prices, we don't think we'll see a bottom until the end of next year.''

Osea que segun un "ejperto gringo" la demanda de compra de casas usadas se esta estabilizando AFP: US home sales rise in July, but inventory hits record pero que los precios pueden bajar hasta el final del año que viene, poniendo en ejemplo a Las vegas (caso mas extremo) del mes anterior

Las Vegas recorded the worst drop, with prices plunging 28.4 per cent Al Jazeera English - Americas - Further slump in US house prices

Pues queda mucho por bajar no?

Bobogilikistan )es que despues de las olimpiadas te quedas con unos paises( que piensas de esto¿
Última edición:
Creo que nadie ha dicho nada pero:

Contribuyentes pagarán hasta 1.600 millones por nacionalización
18:07 NORTHERN ROCK Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
Los contribuyentes británicos podrían perder hasta 1.280 millones de libras esterlinas (1.606 millones de euros) por la nacionalización del banco Northern Rock, según un informe elaborado por Goldman Sachs, que actuó como asesor del Tesoro británico en el proceso, según informa The Times. En concreto, el banco estadounidense de inversión indicó al Gobierno británico que la nacionalización del que fuera el quinto mayor banco hipotecario de Reino Unido bajo ninguno de los escenarios contemplados permitiría a la Administración obtener beneficios por la toma de control de la entidad.

noticia sacada de terra
Credit Suisse dice que puede perder 2.400 millones
16:37 AMER INTL GROUP Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
La aseguradora pierde más del 5% en Wall Street después de que Credit Suisse haya dicho en un informe que podría tener pérdidas de 2.410 millones de dólares en el tercer trimestre, relacionadas con la depreciación por posiciones en hipotecas de alto riesgo y coberturas (CDS). AIG pierde cerca del 70% de su valor en bolsa este años, la peor empresa del Dow Jones.

Esto explica el ostiazo del 2% de dow al dia de hoy, gracias presi
Creo que nadie ha dicho nada pero:

Contribuyentes pagarán hasta 1.600 millones por nacionalización
18:07 NORTHERN ROCK Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
Los contribuyentes británicos podrían perder hasta 1.280 millones de libras esterlinas (1.606 millones de euros) por la nacionalización del banco Northern Rock, según un informe elaborado por Goldman Sachs, que actuó como asesor del Tesoro británico en el proceso, según informa The Times. En concreto, el banco estadounidense de inversión indicó al Gobierno británico que la nacionalización del que fuera el quinto mayor banco hipotecario de Reino Unido bajo ninguno de los escenarios contemplados permitiría a la Administración obtener beneficios por la toma de control de la entidad.

noticia sacada de terra

1600 millones, supongamos por suponer que 20 millones (el 33%) pagan impuestos en condiciones, nada solo 80 euros por cabeza! eso no es nada hombre!
1600 millones, supongamos por suponer que 20 millones (el 33%) pagan impuestos en condiciones, nada solo 80 euros por cabeza! eso no es nada hombre!

Ufff.. expresado así, duele mucho. Como de costumbre, das donde duele con esos comentarios que sueltas como quien no quiere la cosa...
ya son 117 los bancos con problemas es EEUU según el Fondo de Garantía

Problem bank list keeps growing - Aug. 26, 2008

Problem bank list keeps growing
FDIC says list of troubled banks in 2nd quarter grows to 117 with $78 billion in assets - up from 90 banks, $26 billion in assets in 1st quarter.

NEW YORK ( -- More banks are in trouble than just three months ago according to the FDIC.

In its quarterly review of the nation's banking industry, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. reported Tuesday that the number of firms on its so-called "problem bank" list grew to 117 during the second quarter - its highest level since the middle of 2003. There were 90 banks on the problem list in the first quarter of this year.

FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair expressed little surprise at the increase and warned that the number would grow.

"More banks will come on the list as credit problems worsen and assets of problem institutions will continue to rise," said Bair in a press conference.

The number of troubled institutions has moved steadily higher this year as banks across the country struggle to cope with the fallout in the housing market and rising loan losses.

Problem banks typically face difficulties with their finances, or are suffering through operations or management issues that pose a threat to their existence.

Banks included on the problem list are considered the most likely institutions to fail, although few institutions actually reach that point - just 13% of banks on the FDIC's problem list have failed on average.

The FDIC, one of the regulators of the nation's banking system, doesn't reveal the names of the banks on the list, but it does give the total assets of these institutions.

That number was $72 billion during the quarter, up sharply from $26.3 billion the previous quarter. The lion's share of that figure included the Pasadena, Calif.-based mortgage lender IndyMac, which boasted assets of $32 billion before it collapsed in mid-July.

Including IndyMac, nine banks have failed so far this year.

The most recent failure came last Friday with the Topeka, Kansas-based Columbian Bank and Trust. As is typically the case, the FDIC orchestrated the sale of the company's branches and deposits to another institution, in this case selling them to the Chilicothe, Mo.-based Citizens Bank & Trust.

In the event of a failure, the FDIC fully insures individual accounts up to $100,000 per deposit and $250,000 for most retirement accounts. To top of page
Lehman podría vender hipotecas a nueva empresa: agencia | Reuters

Lehman podría vender hipotecas a nueva empresa: agencia
martes 26 de agosto de 2008 14:46 GYT

NUEVA YORK (Reuters) - El banco de inversión estadounidense Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc podría buscar a inversionistas externos para financiar una compañía que compre sus activos inmobiliarios comerciales, reportó el martes la agencia Bloomberg.

La nueva firma manejaría los activos, pero Lehman podría contribuir con algo de capital al emprendimiento, para cosechar los beneficios si los activos suben de valor, dijo la agencia, que citó a personas cercanas al tema.

Lehman tenía unos 40.000 millones de dólares en hipotecas y activos de bienes raíces a fines de mayo.

Lehman también podría decidir la enajenación de los activos hipotecarios comerciales y residenciales en una venta abierta, dijo Bloomberg.

(Reporte de Dan Wilchins; Editado en español por Ignacio Badal)
Recomprará activos sin liquidez por 4.500 millones
08:57 BANK OF AMERICA Gráficos | Noticias | Foros
El banco estadounidense Bank of America Corp ha alcanzado un acuerdo para comprar miles de millones de dólares de activos sin liquidez y así cerrar una investigación que inició el estado de Massachussets. A partir del 1 de octubre, el banco recomprará los activos de tasa de subasta de casi 5.500 clientes minoristas de Estados Unidos, a su valor nominal. Par aesta operación Bank of America desembolsará unos 4.500 millones de dólares en la recompra de los valores y que asumiría un cargo antes de impuestos de cerca de 275 millones de dólares.
el siguiente grande en la lista de futuros rescatados Worldwide

WaMu Sees $4.5 Billion Loan-Loss Provision in Quarter (Update3)

By Ari Levy

Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Washington Mutual Inc., the savings and loan that lost a third of its value this week, said that it is ``well capitalized'' and forecast a third-quarter loan-loss provision of $4.5 billion.

Net charge-offs may increase by less than 20 percent in the third quarter, compared with 60 percent in the previous period, the Seattle-based lender said today in a statement. WaMu said it has $50 billion in liquidity.

The company ``continues to be confident that it has sufficient liquidity and capital to support its operations while it returns to profitability,'' according to the statement.

WaMu, which named Alan Fishman as chief executive officer three days ago, has tumbled this week on concern an agreement with regulators may limit lending and a new accounting rule will hinder attempts to find a buyer. Soured subprime and option adjustable-rate mortgages have contributed to $6.3 billion in losses in the last three quarters, and WaMu expects that to reach about $19 billion in the next 2 1/2 years.

WaMu shares rose 21 cents to $3.04 in extended trading after the announcement. The stock has dropped 34 percent this week and 79 percent in 2008, the biggest decline in the 24-company KBW Bank Index.

The loan-loss provision is down from $5.9 billion in the second quarter and mostly stems from residential mortgages. The total loan-loss reserve is expected to rise to $10.3 billion at the end of the quarter from $8.5 billion in the previous period.

WaMu's Plan

On Sept. 8, WaMu said it signed a memorandum of understanding with its chief regulator, the Office of Thrift Supervision, that requires the bank to improve risk management and compliance. The lender promised to give the agency a ``multi- year business plan'' and forecast on earnings, asset quality, capital and business unit performance. WaMu said the plan doesn't call for more capital or increased liquidity.

Separately, Fitch Ratings downgraded Washington Mutual's long-term rating to BBB- from BBB with a negative outlook. Moody's Investors Service cut its long-term deposit and issuer ratings to Baa3 from Baa2 because of WaMu's ``reduced financial flexibility, deteriorating asset quality and expected franchise erosion.'' Moody's reduced its senior unsecured rating on WaMu to below investment grade, cutting it to Ba2 from Baa3.

WaMu responded saying the rating is ``inconsistent'' with the company's financial condition. The bank said the impact on borrowings, collateral and margin requirements won't be material. There are no plans to suspend dividends on preferred stock as a result of the downgrade, WaMu said.

Need for Capital

Egan-Jones Ratings Co. director Sean Egan, and Hill-Townsend Capital LLC CEO Gary Townsend said WaMu must raise more cash even after a $7 billion infusion from buyout firm TPG Inc. in April.

``You need a major investor to show support,'' said Egan, who's based in Haverford, Pennsylvania and rates WaMu's debt junk. ``Unfortunately, as time passes the size of that support increases.''

Non-interest income is expected to be about $1 billion, an increase from the second quarter, because of growth in depositor and retail banking fees.

To contact the reporters on this story: Ari Levy in San Francisco at
Last Updated: September 11, 2008 20:25 EDT
hola quizas no es aqui el lugar indicado para la pregunta ( si no lo es por favor diganme donde los posteo ) pero el tema va de las hipotecas subprime o dicho de otra forma del detonante de todo lo que en 12 meses esta ocurriendo a escala mundial.

Si empezamos por las hipotecas de alto riesgo en EEUU, la inflacion, el petroleo, el dolar...tenemos un coctail explosivo pero alguien puede decirme donde puedo encontrar un resumen de lo acontecido desde el 2007 para llegar hasta donde estamos ahora a modo de resumen?

muchas gracias;)